Best money I spent this year (and you forgot the article about porn in your list).

I’m an Oregonian since day one. Existence in NE Portland has felt brutal this past year. Raising a family and earning a living wage is getting harder and harder. The shootings are a real thing - I’ve seen two in real time.

But I love this city. Wherever people decide to ‘do the real work,’ whatever that work is on whatever level, it gets brutal. The ugliness rears it’s head. Power never gives up without a fight (ever). From the outside, it’s easy for my conservative friends and family to judge the hell out of this place. I mean look around. We’re an easy target.

But in this city at this time, we are confronting our history and roots of oppression against Black and Brown bodies, against those who live outside, against the poor and working class. We have a long ways to go. But I couldn’t be prouder.

Your journalism is some of my favorite, and this newsletter feels like it’s written by a close neighbor, who gets it on every level. Keep at it. I’m getting more than my money’s worth.


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This is wonderful, Leah. You are one of my favorite writers. I can't wait, and hopefully it comes sooner than later, to sit somewhere in your company and not say a word to each other for minutes at a time. Wouldn't that be great?

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"I can look at the little things I’ve made and know that they originated from a place of wonder and happiness and curiosity. They came from a quiet, focused mind, not a frantic one. They are tangible evidence that calm can be found in the midst of confusion, and that happiness is a little simpler than we’d all like to believe." -- this is so beautiful Leah. I can definitely understand why you might feel that your journalistic work starts from a depressing place, but your writing brings these topics "to light." Or, in other words, YOU are the light that shines into the darkness for the rest of us. Yes, sometimes the subjects you write about are unsettling, but they're also incredibly human. And somehow, that aspect of your writing always leaves me with a sense of hope. No, not the rainbow and unicorn kind of hope... but the kind that says somebody cares. Somebody cares enough to understand these difficult topics at a really deep level, and write about them, and share them in hopes that others, too, will care. And we do - I know that I do. And that gives me tremendous hope for humanity... which is something we all really need right now. As always, much love for you on your journey. Just keep going ;-)

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I look forward to every newsletter post, no matter when it might come. And am so grateful for the work you do. I was going to say something about how necessary it is, but really the title of your Substack says it all.

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