Hey Leah one more “Four Americas” follow up, if you have time you might want to read: Jonathan Chait’s Oct 12 2022 NY Magazine piece “POLITICS OCT. 12, 2022

“How to Make a Semi-Fascist Party; The hostile, paranoid, and increasingly authoritarian path ahead for American conservatism.”

Toward the end he describes a scene where he’s singled out as a reporter, ridiculed as “slumped-shouldered, ‘goblinesque’ -- very chilling part of that story I thought, as it indicates the group he was covering wants to do away with journalism entirely as I've understood it. (I listened to it on the Audm app -- love that app!)

akin maybe? to your “Bundyville II” episode, the one in which you attended, I think, a rally or meeting which featured as keynoter Lavoy Finicum's wife Jeannette.


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Leah, I always benefit so much from your writings -- have listened to Bundyville twice through, just amazing. I have different sources for this conversation I guess. I’m reading “Sanfransicko” and have just finished a very sobering dissection of American life in George Packer’s “HOW AMERICA FRACTURED INTO FOUR PARTS “ The Atlantic July/August 2021. Have you read it? So I think now I'm gleaning from the tone of your conversation with K Rambo which of the four Americas you both tend to live in, the ”just” America - which is strongest in pockets of urban America. The rest of us live in the meritocracy, in some way shape or form. Politicians know this. So I wonder what journalism really is these days? Is it truly discovering and explaining and revealing something that actually is there? Reporting on something? That's what I want from journalism that I read, or watch, or listen to.

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